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Watch Out! Don’t Fall for These AC Scams

Sometimes it can feel like hiring a professional HVAC technician is like navigating a minefield. Seriously, the amount of amateurs that are out there that will offer to “fix your AC for cheap,” before suddenly costing you more than if you hired a reputable, licensed team, is mind-boggling. The good news is that these scams are easy to detect if you know what to look for.

Yes, we think it’s appropriate to call them scams, because anything that takes more of your money, time, and stress than it needs to would be a scam in our opinion. When we provide AC repair in Grapevine, TX, on the other hand, we give estimates clearly and before work is done, while also allowing customers to make the most cost-effective choice. Our licensing and insurance give customers the ability to hire a professional with zero risk and the requirement of paying only what the service actually costs.

Let’s learn about some of the most common AC scams so you can better protect yourself in the future.

Missing Credentials

We talked about being licensed and insured at the beginning of this post for a very specific reason. Any amateur that offers to do work for your air conditioner, provide repairs, or even set you up with a new system, should be insured and licensed. If they’re not, the risks are just too high and it borders on being a scam.

If the technician happens to break something or hurt themselves during the work on your property, you could be held liable for the damage if they’re not insured. Likewise, licensure is an important part of training. An unlicensed HVAC technician might not have the right training or expertise to be doing the work they’re offering.

Service That’s Too Cheap

Air conditioning systems are relatively expensive. If work sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If someone is willing to replace your compressor with “one they have lying around” for $50, then it’s definitely a scam. These are expensive components that require complex setup. A professional technician like the ones on our team will be honest with you about this.

Non-Itemized Receipt

It’s always good to have an itemized receipt when getting HVAC work done. This will ensure that future technicians know what work has been done. A technician who isn’t willing to give you a receipt, or even an itemized one is likely trying to pull a fast one on you.

Payment Before the Work Is Done

Many reputable HVAC technicians require a deposit before some hefty work is done, like a new system installation or a large replacement job. This is normal. What’s not normal is the requirement of full payment before any work is done. That’s a big red flag and something to be weary of.

Think about it: a reputable HVAC technician will give you an accurate estimate and at most ask for a deposit if it’s a lot of work. An HVAC company worth its salt will never ask you to pay for work before any of it is done; that’s irresponsible and can destroy a lot of trust between a customer and a technician.

Schedule your AC repairs with a reputable company like Coventry & Gattis A/C, Inc.

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